Road Safety Report 2023: Global Status In-Depth Analysis

Despite a 5% decline in road traffic fatalities from 2010 to 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) underscores that road safety remains a significant global health concern.

As per the WHO report, vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and users of micro-mobility devices, continue to face an immediate and growing danger.

Alarming Statistics for Pedestrians and Cyclists

Pedestrian deaths have risen by 3% to 274,000, accounting for 23% of all global fatalities. Cyclist deaths have surged by over 20% to 71,000, comprising nearly 6% of all deaths worldwide.

Disturbingly, every third person who dies on the road is either a pedestrian or a cyclist, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced road safety measures.

Unmet Targets and Global Challenges Road Safety

Attempts to improve road safety have advanced but are insufficient to meet the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 goal of halving deaths by 2030.

The report reveals that more than half of road traffic fatalities include vulnerable road users, comprising pedestrians (23%), riders of two- and three-wheelers (21%), cyclists (6%), and users of micro-mobility devices (3%).

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Global Fatality Rates for Vulnerable Road Users

In the same vein, a minimum of 31 pedestrians lose their lives every hour, equating to 750 fatalities per day.

These troubling statistics emphasize the imperative for heightened efforts to tackle the safety issues faced by vulnerable road users.

Lack of Progress

The report indicates a lack of global seriousness in ensuring road safety, with insufficient progress in advancing laws and safety standards. Only 0.2% of global roadways have cycle lanes, and 80% do not comply with pedestrian safety regulations, exposing users to significant risks.

The report highlights the insufficient existence of laws that support public transportation, cycling, and walking, as only about 25% of countries have such legislation.

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