Heat Wave Hotspots in India: Mahamana Centre of Excellence Report 2023


Heat Wave Hotspots in India, In a groundbreaking government study conducted by the Mahamana Centre of Excellence in Climate Change Research, a part of the Department of Science and Technology, alarming findings reveal that specific regions in India are on the brink of becoming critical heat wave hotspots.

These areas, located in northwestern, central, and south-central India, are expected to experience a dramatic four-to-seven-fold increase in the frequency of heatwaves in the mid-term (2041-2060) and long-term (2081-2099) future.

The severity of these projections depends on two distinct emission scenarios, emphasizing the critical need for immediate climate action.

Understanding Emission Scenarios and Concentration Pathways

  1. RCP 4.5 Scenario: This scenario envisions emissions peaking during the mid-century and subsequently declining by the century’s end, indicating a more moderate approach to emissions control.
  2. RCP 8.5 Scenario: This scenario represents the highest baseline scenario, characterized by continually rising emissions throughout the century, signifying limited efforts in controlling emissions.

Projected Heatwave Trends

The study presents a concerning outlook for India’s future. Under the RCP 4.5 scenario, a four-to-seven-fold increase in the frequency of heatwaves is predicted. In a more dire scenario, RCP 8.5, an even more significant five-to-ten-fold increase in heatwave frequency is projected.

Notably, the increase in frequency surpasses changes in intensity, signifying a considerable intensification of heatwave events.

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Heat Wave Hotspots

The study identifies specific geographical regions that are poised to become future heatwave hotspots. Among these, northwestern, central, and south-central India stand out, facing the most alarming projections.

The implications of this increase in heatwave frequency extend far beyond discomfort, with profound impacts on various aspects of life in these regions.

Implications and Adaptation Measures

To effectively address the challenges posed by these alarming heatwave projections, a comprehensive set of adaptation measures is necessary. Here are key points for consideration:

  1. Enhanced Healthcare Infrastructure: Strengthening healthcare infrastructure is imperative to manage the increased burden of heat-related illnesses, ensuring the well-being of the population.
  2. Heat Stress Management: Public awareness and education regarding heat stress management should be promoted, encouraging practices like staying hydrated and recognizing heat-related illness symptoms.
  3. Agricultural Resilience: Climate-resilient farming practices, drought-resistant crops, and efficient water management are essential to ensure food security and livelihoods.
  4. Robust Energy and Infrastructure: Investment in resilient infrastructure and energy systems capable of withstanding heatwave-induced strains is vital.
  5. Urban Planning and Cooling Strategies: Urban areas should incorporate heat-resilient design elements, including green spaces and heat-reducing technologies.
  6. Community Support: Local communities should be engaged in disaster preparedness and heatwave response plans, establishing community cooling centers during extreme heat events.
  7. Government Policies: Policymakers must prioritize climate adaptation policies, emission reduction, and stringent emission control targets.


The findings of the Mahamana Centre of Excellence in Climate Change Research study serve as a clarion call for immediate climate action. The regions of northwestern, central, and south-central India are standing on the frontlines of a looming climate crisis, with heat waves emerging as a recurrent and intensifying threat.

To secure a resilient future for these regions and the nation as a whole, a multi-pronged approach is necessary, encompassing healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, urban planning, and community involvement. Additionally, policymakers at the national and regional levels must prioritize climate mitigation and stringent emission control targets to curb the intensification of heatwave events.

With timely and effective adaptation measures, these regions can better prepare for the challenges presented by rising temperatures and prolonged heat waves, ultimately safeguarding the well-being and livelihoods of their communities.

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