India is set to surpass Japan as Asia’s second-largest economy by 2030

India’s Economic Projection

  • India’s ascent to the world’s third-largest economy by 2030 is forecasted, with a GDP of USD 7.3 trillion.
  • This prediction follows two years of substantial economic growth in 2021 and 2022.
  • The projection solidifies India’s role as a major player in the global economy.
  • The achievement signifies a remarkable transformation in India’s economic landscape.

Economic Growth in 2023

  • India’s economic growth remains robust in the 2023 calendar year.
  • The fiscal year ending in March 2024 is expected to witness GDP growth ranging from 6.2 to 6.3 percent.
  • India’s economy has outpaced many other major economies, maintaining its position as one of the fastest-growing globally.
  • The impressive 7.8 percent growth in the April-June quarter demonstrates this sustained economic expansion.

Factors Driving India’s Growth

  • The acceleration of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into India is a testament to its favorable long-term growth outlook.
  • A youthful demographic profile, with a burgeoning middle class, contributes significantly to India’s economic strength.
  • Rising urban household incomes further fuel economic growth.
  • These factors, along with a dynamic industrial sector, position India as an increasingly attractive investment destination for multinational corporations.

Surpassing Japan and Global Comparisons

  • India’s GDP measured in USD terms is projected to overtake Japan by 2030, making it the second-largest economy in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • By 2022, India had already surpassed the GDP of the UK and France, reflecting its rapid economic growth.
  • Comparatively, the United States remains the largest global economy with a GDP of USD 25.5 trillion.
  • China is the world’s second-largest economy with a GDP of approximately USD 18 trillion, followed by Japan and Germany.

Key Growth Drivers

  • India’s substantial and expanding middle class plays a pivotal role in driving consumer spending, bolstering economic growth.
  • The growing Indian domestic consumer market, combined with its large industrial sector, enhances its attractiveness to multinational corporations.
  • India’s strategic focus on digital transformation paves the way for accelerated e-commerce growth.
  • Leading global tech and e-commerce giants are increasingly attracted to the Indian market, further propelling India’s economic trajectory.

Internet Access and E-commerce Growth

  • The anticipation is that, by 2030, more than 1.1 billion Indians will have internet access, marking a significant increase from the estimated 500 million internet users in 2020.
  • The digital transformation underway in India is set to revolutionize the retail consumer market over the next decade.
  • This transformative shift is drawing global tech and e-commerce giants into the Indian market.
  • Homegrown unicorns in e-commerce, logistics, and online grocery have witnessed substantial growth, particularly during the pandemic.

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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows

  • Over the past five years, India has experienced a noteworthy increase in FDI inflows, and this trend has persisted even during the pandemic years of 2020-2022.
  • Large technology companies, such as Google and Facebook, are drawn to India’s vast and rapidly growing domestic consumer market, contributing significantly to FDI inflows.
  • India’s openness to foreign investments in various sectors is a testament to its economic appeal.
  • The continuous momentum in FDI inflows underscores India’s position as an attractive destination for foreign investors.

India’s Long-Term Economy Growth Market

  • India’s sustained economic growth cements its status as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies over the next decade.
  • Multinational companies across diverse industries, including autos, electronics, banking, insurance, healthcare, and information technology, recognize India as a crucial long-term growth market.
  • India’s large and dynamic consumer base offers immense potential for expansion and innovation.
  • This places India at the forefront of global economic transformation, presenting opportunities and challenges for businesses and investors alike.


India’s remarkable economic ascent, poised to become the world’s third-largest economy with a projected GDP of USD 7.3 trillion by 2030, reflects two years of impressive growth. The short-term outlook remains optimistic, underpinned by robust domestic demand and surging foreign direct investments (FDI).

Key drivers of India’s growth include a growing middle class, favorable demographics, and rising urban incomes, attracting multinational corporations. The digital transformation and e-commerce boom add to India’s appeal, drawing global tech giants into its market.

India’s rise as the second-largest economy in the Asia-Pacific region by 2030 reshapes the global economic landscape. While the United States retains its top position, India’s ascendancy underscores its pivotal role globally.

For multinational companies, India offers a compelling long-term growth market, spanning various sectors. India’s expanding consumer base presents opportunities and challenges, solidifying its place in the global economic transformation.

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